CJ Willys Jeeps For Sale
CJ Jeeps For Sale
( Click on yellow title to the right of each photo for Jeep info )
1946 CJ-2A Willys Jeep 33188 "Dallas" Early Column Shift
1946 CJ-2A Willys Jeep 29651 "Ft. Worth" Early Column Shift
1946 CJ-2A Willys Jeep 66611
1946 CJ-2A Willys Jeep
1948 CJ-2A Willys Jeep "Pecan Gap"
1948 CJ-2A
Willys Jeep "Sante Fe"
1949 CJ-3 Willys Jeep 12481 "Fredricksburg"
1949 CJ-3 Willys Jeep 21400 "Grey"
1960 CJ-5 Willys Jeep "Cat Springs"
19?? CJ-5 Willys Jeep "Flower Mound"
CJ Jeeps Not For Sale
1946 CJ-2A Willys Jeep 28592 "John Colwell"
1952 CJ-3 Willys Jeep 35426 "John Colwell"
1954 CJ-3B
Willys Jeep 31376 "Santa Fe"
Jeep Production & Serial Numbers
CJ Jeeps Sold
1948 CJ-2A Willys Jeep 160851 "Camo"
Sold !
1948 CJ-2A
Willys Jeep "Tijeras"
Sold !
CJ-3B Willys Jeep "Milano"
Sold !
1954 CJ-3B Willys Jeep
"Flower Mound"
Sold !
1961 CJ-5
Willys Jeep "Midlothian"
Sold !
1962 CJ-5 Willys Jeep "Dennis Groce"
Sold !
1967 CJ-6
Kaiser Jeep
Sold !
1975 CJ-6 Jeep
Sold !
John Colwell Member # 9884
Call or text 469-337-4335
Waxahachie, Texas
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